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Bartenders are recruiting
If you are a bartender student in a junior college, you can come and apply for free sponsored wine with us
The creativity of bartending A+B+C+ .. The combination ratio makes the perfect taste
Bunnyville's base wine - Vodka, Rum, Gin
Liqueur flavored wine- lychee and pineapple are commonly used items in professional bars.
推廣 "自己風味酒自己釀" 風潮 的比賽活動" ,
味道甘醇且柔順的Spring Vodka 是天然冷泉水所釀造而Spring Vodka從原料麥類選擇到潔淨泉水,都代表著對生生不息生命力的重視,每一滴酒都是對大自然力量的禮讚。
Spring Vodka 冷泉伏特加 , 搭配當地新鮮食材, *創造出屬於這個時代,專屬自己的風味酒*
如果你是 營業機構 或者 學校的調酒社, 可以來跟我們申請免費試飲酒
冷泉伏特加 40%
生命之泉 80%
福爾摩莎蘭姆酒 40%
宮殿琴酒 43%
龐尼維爾荔枝酒 20%
龐尼維爾鳳梨 20%
龐尼維爾茉莉綠茶 20%
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